Only in German Language
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Lieferbedingungen (bearbeiten im Modul "Kundenvorteile")
Rücksendebedingungen (bearbeiten im Modul "Kundenvorteile")
As the second publication in this series, this book includes all Becker radio models that were factory-installed in a Mercedes from 1995 to 2005. All Din1 slot devices that were offered by Mercedes until the end are included. The radios are illustrated in great detail, with all technical data, operating and connection options. Advantages of the technology of the various models are explained to the reader, which makes a purchase decision for a certain radio on the relevant markets and / or internet platforms much easier. In addition, all radio models are assigned to the respective year of construction of your vehicle using a table with construction times. This means that you can search for the right radio with specific technical requirements. Various accessories such as CD changers, sound systems or remote controls are also included and described. Numerous special models that were delivered to Mercedes-Benz in small numbers will also be presented.
Technische Daten